My rating: 5 of 5 stars
It is Just amazing that how the randomness of a certain event leads us to experience another event in relation to it. I somehow recall first the month of Jan this year where I coincidentally happen to go to a book store due to a power failure. So had the power not failed or had a british reader not recommended the book "The Sense of an ending" or had I did not see the entire work by Julian Barnes the probability of me reading this book would have been minimal.
Julian Barnes in this book tells us the Story of two Boys/Lads/Teenagers/Men through different ages of Life. It's not a story so most of the readers will never say they liked the story but for me its the period of life that worked with me. I absolutely loved reading their Adolescent age but was also equally hooked with Chris Life in Paris. Chris first Sexual experience, His first Love, his first break up leading to his marriage, his conflict with Tony was saddening part of the book & that's where the Writer slowly loses the grip but all's well that end well. The Object Relations at the end of every stage of life was equally enjoyed & gave the book a depth, an inner meaning, an insight of tony on how he looks back at the time that went by.
The book usually worked for me because of the equal combination of Wit & Philosophy. Julian Barnes is one of those authors who knew about the Human Nature early on. Easily this has to be among the best debut novel of a writer. The books works wonders in provoking class, interest and above all provokes thought in every minds and a thought to Ponder!
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